Tectonic - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Tectonic - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Earthquakes and Tectonic Plates
How can we determine the locations of tectonic plate boundaries?  How can we use seismic waves to pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake?  In this activity, students will explore these questions using seismic data and triangulation (USA: California Academy of Sciences 2023).
Students explore the causes of earthquakes, including the role of tectonic plates, and consider the efforts scientists are making to better understand and predict these sometimes deadly events (USA: PBS 2023).
Dynamic Earth Interactive
Delve into the earth's interior, learn about its tectonic plates and their movements, and discover how mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are formed (USA: Annenberg 2019)
Plate Tectonics
The interactive world map can be toggled to show the different types of tectonic plate boundaries and their locations, as well as the global distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes (Geological Society of London 2019).
Plate Tectonics
The earth's crust is split up into dozens of pieces called tectonic plates, which ʺfloatʺ on top of the mantle (7 minutes / USA: Brain POP 2020).
What causes an earthquake?
This video takes a look at the movement of the earth's tectonic plates and how the release of extreme pressure built up at the plates' boundaries results in an earthquake (2 minutes / UK: The Daily Telegraph 2023).