Taught - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Taught - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

How Students in 12 Countries Are Taught About 9/11
Students explore how young people from around the world have learned about Sept. 11 and its aftermath (NYT 2021).
Acts of Remembrance
In this New York Times lesson, students take a critical look at the ways in which the Holocaust is both referred to in popular culture and taught in school, and consider how teachers and museums can help students understand the Holocaust for the atrocity that it was (2011).
The American Revolution with Joanne B. Freeman
This recording from 2011 is part of a history course at Yale University, taught by Historian Joanne B. Freeman (USA 2017).
Hanif Kureishi - an article
Hanif Kureishi: ʺRacism makes people mad - it's necessary to deal with this in fictionʺ on The Guardian an article of the writer on Freudian dreams, Tom Sawyer and what ER Braithwaite taught him about race published at The Guardian, 2022
The Brasilian Rainforest / Logging in Amazonia Legal
A bilingual geography lesson by Gisela Weih / Birgit Kühn. Aims at students aged 12 years, who had been taught English for two years. Quelle: CD-ROM des EU-Projekts BILD - Bilingual Integration of Languages and Disciplines, University of Nottingham 2001
The Brasilian Rainforest / Logging in Amazonia Legal
A bilingual geography lesson by Gisela Weih / Birgit Kühn. Aims at students aged 12 years, who had been taught English for two years. Quelle: CD-ROM des EU-Projekts BILD - Bilingual Integration of Languages and Disciplines, University of Nottingham 2001
Holocaust Education in Germany: Ensuring relevance and meaning in an increasingly diverse community
Seit 2015 ist die Zahl an geflüchteten jungen Menschen, die in das deutsche Bildungswesen aufgenommen wurden, stark angestiegen. Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie es dem deutschen Bildungssystem gelingen kann, einer Schülerschaft mit diversen biografischen Lebenswelten die Relevanz des Themas Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust zu vermitteln Normal 0 21 false false false DE ...