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Sign - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
ʺEnglish Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up.ʺ Text: Anbieter Linguistische Debatten zum englischen Sprachgebrauch.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Thought provoking images of Antarctica, Everest,and smog-clouded cities. Then the figures: global temperature has increased 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1980, Arctic ice has decreased by 13% per decade: NASA’s coverage of climate related science (2015)
Ireland Information - Free Information About Ireland
ʺWelcome to Ireland. The Information about Ireland Site has been providing essential, useful and entertaining information about Ireland since 1998. We boast the world's longest running free Ireland Newsletter (be sure to sign up!) and are continually updating and adding more free resources for you to enjoy and use.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum: Rock Hall EDU
ʺOur online portal and resource guide for teachers, Rock Hall EDU offers free lesson plans, artifact images and materials, videos, playlists and writing prompts all designed by our education staff. Sign up for a free account and add rock history to your classroom today.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter
Word of the Day
The more words one knows, the more one can say. So why not sign up for our Word of the Day mailing list to get some extra info on words used in our feature topics?