Pupils - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Developing Intercultural Awareness and Writing Skills Through Email Exchange
This paper is based on an international information technology-based collaborative project, initiated by the British Council, between primary level pupils from two schools in Singapore and Birmingham (UK). Through the electronic exchange of information, the pupils explored different writing tasks for various purposes and types of audience.
Understanding Our Impact: Environmental Education and Ecological Footprint. A Handbook for Teachers and Pupils
Das Handbuch befasst sich mit wichtigen ökologischen Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcenmanagement und ökologischem Fußabdruck und bietet gleichzeitig praktische Strategien zur Verbesserung der Umweltqualität. Es wurde von Experten der Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca verfasst.
Worksheets on Climate Change
These worksheets are suited for natural and social science lessons for upper secondary education (some also suitable for pupils from the tenth grade onwards). In addition to the general description of the interactions and causes, they address the possible effects of climate change, especially in their regional differentiation. It is important to look at the issue of climate ...
The Impact of School Choice on Pupil Achievement, Segregation and Costs: Swedish Evidence
This paper (65 p.) evaluates school choice at the compulsory-school level by assessing a reform implemented in Sweden in 1992, which opened up for publicly funded but privately operated schools. In many local school markets, this reform led to a significant increase in the quantity of such schools as well as in the share of pupils attending them. We estimate the impact of this ...
Worksheets: Going under!
Using the specific case study of Tuvalu, pupils learn about the direct consequences of climate change for the inhabitants of a Pacific island state. The teaching module provides general information about climate change as well as looking at an entirely different perspective.
Worksheets: Global climate change - general issues
This teaching unit focuses on the causes and effects of climate change in general, and the issue of culprits and victims in particular. This basic module should allow the pupils to gain the basic knowledge for the following modules, which are conceived as case studies.
What Works in Improving the Educational Achievement of Gifted and Talented Pupils? - A Systematic Review of Literature (Summary)
Im Jahr 2008 startete die damalige Regierung in Großbritannien ein Programm zur Identifikation und Förderung von Kindern mit besonderen Begabungen (gifted/talented). Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde eine systematische Auswerrtung von Studien vorgelegt, die sich mit der schulischen Förderung begabter Kinder beschäftigten.
- Fachunabhängige Bildungsthemen (12)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (9)
- Geographie (9)
- Sozialkundlich-Philosophische Fächer (9)
- Klimageographie (8)
- Umweltgefährdung, Umweltschutz (8)
- Schulwesen Allgemein (5)
- Global Warming (8)
- Climate Change (8)
- Climate (8)
- Climate Protection (3)
- Schweden (3)
- Europa (3)
- Deutschland (3)
- Sekundarstufe Ii (17)
- Sekundarstufe I (11)
- Primarstufe (6)
- Elementarbildung (2)
- Hochschule (1)
- Fort- und Weiterbildung (1)
- Berufliche Bildung (1)