Principles - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Principles - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
In this macroeconomics course students explore the economic way of thinking and the role incentives play (George Mason University 2018).
David Ricardo: Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
David Ricardo veröffentlichte 1817 Principles of Political Economy and Taxation und entwickelte die Theorie der komparativen Kostenvorteile, ein Kernpunkt der Außenhandelstheorie (The Library of Economics and Liberty 2008-18).
Economics: Principles in Action
Das High-School-Lehrwerk von Prentice Hall (USA 2002-2020)
Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry textbook, divided into the two overarching topics of General Principles and Functional Group Reactions, by William H. Reusch, emeritus professor at Michigan State University (2016)
European Parliament: Ethics and transparency
This site explains the principles of conduct for Members of Parliament, in particular, their legislative work. Interest representatives can be searched in a public Transparency Register (2009-20)
European Parliament: Ethics and transparency
This site explains the principles of conduct for Members of Parliament, in particular, their legislative work. Interest representatives can be searched in a public Transparency Register (2015)
Selected Readings on the American Constitution
Selection of chapters and extracts taken from books with special importance for understanding the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and the free market (USA: The Online Library of Liberty 2017).
Would You Demand It?
Students will be able to: Explain the basic principles of demand. Recognize the relationship between price and quantity demand. Demonstrate an understanding of the determinants of demand. (USA: EconEd 2020)
What is the social market economy?
The film explains basic principles of this concept for an easy access to the topic (KAS 2020).
An Introduction to Externalities
This video is an introduction to externalities, including the concepts of private cost, external cost, and social cost (USA: George Mason University 2019).