Primaries - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

What are the Primaries and Caucuses?
Students study the primary system in which candidates for U.S. president are nominated by the Democratic and Republican parties. They will identify and understand differences between primaries and caucuses and key terms related to the primary season (USA: PBS 2020).
Election 2016: Understanding Primaries and Caucuses
This New York Times lesson provides a primer on the presidential nomination process by combining resources from The New York Times with videos and information from around the web, so students won’t just understand how candidates get nominated, but will also be challenged to think deeply about how the system works (2016).
Campaign finance in the United States
Although most campaign spending is privately financed, public financing is available for qualifying candidates for President of the United States during both the primaries and the general election (2018).
US Elections 2016: An Analysis
ʺDie Wahlen 2016 sind gelaufen. Entgegen fast aller Prognosen gelang Donald J. Trump der Überraschungscoup: Er wurde mit einer deutlichen Mehrheit an Wahlmännerstimmen zum 45. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten gewählt. Was jedoch die Anzahl der Wählerstimmen betrifft, lag Hillary Clinton vorne.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter
Explained: U.S. presidential election 2016
Every four years the United States of America hold the presidential election. It is a long process until it is finally clear who will be the new president. In the US, Democrats and Republicans are the two big competing parties. As a first step, the Democrats and Republicans select in the primaries a presidential candidate from within their parties who then compete against each ...