Police - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Police - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Ferguson Police Shootings: Considering the Responses
Students consider nonviolence and violence by discussing the reactions of activists, the police, and others to the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, MO, on March 12, 2015 (Teachable Moment, USA 2015)
How should police deal with anti-monarchy protests?
There have been several protests by anti-monarchists at events remembering the Queen (3 minutes / UK: Sky News 2022).
La rap selection du ”Nouvel Observateur”
Voici une sélection de paroles de chansons et d’extraits musicaux de morceaux de rap consacrés aux problèmes des banlieues et aux rapports avec la police.
Lesson Plans: Teaching about Racism, Violence, Inequity and the Criminal Justice System
ʺFor the past several years, there have been incidents of police officers involved in the deaths of Black and Latinx  people. In many of these cases, police officers were not indicted and not convicted when brought to trial. These cases have brought about a wide range of emotions, conversations, policy proposals, protests and actions. Because this is an important ...
Who Pays for City Hall?
In this EconEdLink lesson, students will learn that city governments provide goods and services by collecting taxes from citizens. Students will discuss the different goods and services such as public transportation, fire departments, police departments ... (2002-2009)
Edward Snowden and Daniel Ellsberg
Did Mr. Snowden the right thing? In this ʺText to Textʺ lesson plan, the New York Times' Learning Network pairs two articles that capture parallel moments in history to help  answer this question: Daniel Ellsberg’s surrender to the police in 1971 after leaking the Pentagon Papers, and Edward Snowden’s public admission in June that he leaked classified documents ...
Make Sense of the George Floyd Protests
The video of a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck lead to large protests in the U.S. and other countries against racism. Here the New York Times Learning Network collects teaching ideas and resources (2020).
Homicide in Chicago 1870-1930
ʺThe years between 1870 and 1930 marked the emergence of Chicago as a dominant American city, undergoing some of the most dramatic and extensive social, political and economic changes in our national history. Against this backdrop we present a unique record – the Chicago Police Department Homicide Record Index – chronicling 11,000 homicides in the city during those years. ...
Tatort Insekten – Täter gesucht!
Eine rätselhafte Mordserie hält die Feldpolizei, unsere Field Police, schon seit Wochen in Atem! Die sterblichen Überreste einer Honigbiene, eines Hirschkäfers und einer Gottesanbeterin  – um nur einige der spektakulären Fälle zu nennen – wurden in dieser scheinbar friedlichen ländlichen Umgebung gefunden. Wer hat die Opfer auf dem Gewissen? In dem von Planet ...