Poetry - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Poetry Out Loud
ʺPoetry Out Loud is a national arts education program that encourages the study of great poetry by offering free educational materials and a dynamic recitation competition for high school students across the country. This program helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about literary history and contemporary life.ʺ (Quelle: ...
Teaching Personification Through Poetry
Dancing Minds and Shouting Smiles: Teaching Personification Through Poetry. ʺExperiencing the language of great poets provides a rich learning context for students, giving them access to the best examples of how words can be arranged in unique ways. By studying the works of renowned poets across cultures and histories, students extract knowledge about figurative language and ...
Ekphrasis: Using Art to Inspire Poetry
ʺIn this lesson, students explore ekphrasis—writing inspired by art. Students begin by reading and discussing several poems inspired by works of art. Through the discussion, students learn ways in which poets can approach a piece of artwork (for instance, writing about the scene being depicted in the artwork, writing in the voice of the person depicted in the artwork, ...
Poetry Clips Literatur im Videoformat
Die Berliner Bühnen-Poeten Wolf Hogekamp und Bas Böttcher drehen Videoclips mit poetischem Inhalt. Diese kurzweilige Form der Textinszenierung kommt den TV-geprägten Rezeptionsgewohnheiten Jugendlicher entgegen und motiviert, mit Literatur und Sprache produktiv umzugehen.
- Bildungsserver Hessen (19)
- Lehrer-Online (14)
- Bildungsmediathek NRW (4)
- Deutscher Bildungsserver (4)
- Sprachen und Literatur (38)
- Englisch (23)
- Literatur (21)
- Deutsch (15)
- Sozialkundlich-Philosophische Fächer (11)
- Fachdidaktik (10)
- Themen (10)
- Textarbeit (9)
- Slammen (6)
- Sprachwitz (6)
- Experimentelle Lyrik (6)
- Zeitgenössische Literatur (6)
- Dichterwettstreit (6)
- Poetry-Slam (6)
- Arbeitsmaterial (17)
- Unterrichtsplanung (9)
- Video/animation (6)
- Arbeitsblatt (3)
- Portal (1)
- Projekt (1)