Picture - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Picture - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

The Picture of Dorian Gray
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oscar Wilde : The Picture of Dorian Gray
ein englischer Roman von 1890
Oscar Wilde : The Picture of Dorian Gray
full text of Oscar Wilde's novel ʺThe Picture of Dorian Grayʺ, 1890
Picture This! Building Photo-Based Writing Skills
In this New York Times lesson, students use photographs to practice writing, vocabulary and skimming skills to develop literacy (USA 2010-20).
Picture This: Combining Infographics and Argumentative Writing
After choosing topics that interest them, students conduct research which becomes the foundation for their argumentative essays. After completing their essays, students use Piktochart to create infographics to represent their research (USA: ReadWriteThink 2018).
Bildbeschreibung - täglich wechselnde Impulse
What's Going On in This Picture? - Intriguing Times images stripped of their captions -- and an invitation to students to discuss them live.
Wordbank - picture /cartoon analysis
worksheet - facial expressions useful for cartoon analysis 
How to work with cartoons and pictures
a step by step description of how to write a cartoon or picture analysis
Übersicht: Schreiben
Informationen zum Kompetenzbereich ʺSchreibenʺ: How to write an introductionʺcomment on...ʺ vs. ʺdiscussʺWorking with argumentsHow to deal with other task descriptorsHow to write a picture/cartoon descriptionProofreadingCurriculum Vitae (CV)Essay Writing and Connecting PhrasesFormal and Informal LettersZeitungsartikel und LeserbriefePersonal ...