Perspectives - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Policy Perspectives on the Federal Budget
In this interactive activity, students think critically about Federal Budget policy choices from the perspectives of varied personas (USA: EconEd 2020). 
The Deviant Philosopher
The project tries to create quality teaching resources on diverse non-canonical philosophical traditions and perspectives (USA 2021).
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust is presented from three perspectives: Timeline, People, and The Arts (USA: Florida Center for Instructional Technology 2013-20)
Women in World History
This site contains reviews of curricula & of women's history books, historical background essays on topics such as women and the Crusades and historical perspectives on Islamic dress (Lyn Reese, 2005-17)
The Cold War
In this lesson, students explore a variety of documents highlighting various issues and perspectives that led to the Cold War and address the question: Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War, the United States or the Soviet Union? (USA: Stanford 2021)
The Pilgrims Collection
This unit features expert interviews that tell the Pilgrims' story from both European and Native perspectives, it also uses several videos from ʺThe American Experienceʺ (USA: PBS Learning 2016-18)
Native Knowledge 360
The Smithonian National Museum of the American Indian provides educators and students with new perspectives on Native American history and cultures (USA 2018).
Debating U.S. Drone Policy
Students will explore, debate, and evaluate multiple perspectives on U.S. policy regarding drones (USA: Brown University 2013-21).
Environmental Protection - Three Perspectives
Die Erderwärmung ist das aktuelle globale Top-Thema:”Environmental Protection ist zwar seit Jahren ein Klassiker des Englischunterrichts, erhielt selten so viel Aufmerksamkeit wie heute. Die Brisanz des Themas sowie die Notwendigkeit zu handeln sind mittlerweile unbestritten. Der folgende Unterrichtsvorschlag bleibt daher nicht bei der Frage ”How can you save more ...
Reach Across Your Aisle. Creating a Class Op-Ed Blog
In this NY Times lesson students will research different political perspectives on a controversial political issue and then write their own opinion piece to be published on a class blog (2009).