Parliament and Government - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

If a petition gets 10.000 signatures the government will respond (UK Parliament 2019-22).
How Parliament holds government to account
The short video helps to find out about the different ways government is held to account by Parliament, including Prime Minister and Minister’s questions and the work of select committees (UK Parliament 2014-19).
UK Parliament
The official YouTube channel for UK Parliament (2020)
People and Parliament lesson plan
Students learn how people become MPs and Peers, their roles and how these relate to the democratic process (UK Parliament 2014).
Lobbying Parliament
The UK Parliament answers questions to lobbiysm in the UK (2021).
YouTube channel for UK Parliament
The UK Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The channel lets viewers watch videos on ʺhow we scrutinise the government, discuss issues important to the public, and work at the heart of UK democracyʺ (2021).