One - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Gerrymandering: One Person, One Vote?
Students will understand the reasons for and process of redistricting after a census, assess the motivations for and electoral consequences of gerrymandering, identify and analyze the techniques political cartoonists use to express opinions and encourage critical thinking about contemporary issues (USA: Brown University 2018)
One World, One Climate! (Poster)
Pablo Bicheroux hat mit seinem Beitrag „One world, one climate!“ beim Germanwatch-Posterwettbewerb zum Thema "Klimagerechtigkeit" den dritten Platz gewonnen.
Rule by One
In this lesson, students explore the advantages and disadvantages of monarchy and take a look at the roles power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty have played in its long-standing history (USA: iCivics 2022).
World War One
Portal zum 1. Weltkrieg, commemorating the centenary of World War One (2018-21).
One Belt, One Road („Neue Seidenstraße“)
Der Wikipedia-Artikel informiert über die Ziele der Volksrepublik China zum Auf- und Ausbau interkontinentaler Handels- und Infrastruktur-Netze zwischen der Volksrepublik und zusammen 64 weiteren Ländern Afrikas, Asiens und Europas (2018).
One World, One Climate! (Poster-Englisch)
Pablo Bicheroux ranked third prize in Germanwatch poster contest "Climate Justice" with his contribution "One world, one climate!“
Divided government in the United States
In the United States, divided government describes a situation in which one party controls the executive branch while another party controls one or both houses of the legislative branch (Wikipedia 2020).
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Explained in One Minute
The YouTube video helps to understand what the World Trade Organization is and what this organization does (USA 2018).
Who is Black? One Nation's Definition
The essay by F. James Davis (1991) explains what it means to be considered black in the United States (USA: Frontline 2020)
Fluchtperspektive mit einem Fluchtpunkt (englisch)
One Point Perspective mehr: E01   Basic Perspective for Beginners E02   Overlapping Silly Faces E03   Simple Atmospheric Perspective E04   One Point Perspective E05   The Magic Ellipse by Cindy Wider