Observatory - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Observatory of Economic Complexity
Das OEC, entstanden am MIT in den USA, erlaubt die Visualisierung internationaler Handelsbeziehungen (2020).
European Southern Observatory
The European Southern Observatory is an intergovernmental, European organisation for astronomical research. It has nine member countries. ESO operates astronomical observatories in Chile and has its headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany.
Legislative Observatory of the European Parliament
The Legislative Observatory monitors the interinstitutional decision-making process in the European Union, the role of the European Parliament in shaping European legislation and the activities of the various institutions involved in the legislative procedure (2009-20).
UK Trade Policy Observatory
The independent expert group initiates, comments on and analyses trade policy proposals for the UK (UK: University of Sussex and Chatham House 2019).
Corporate Europe Observatory
CEO is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policy making (2022).
Migration Observatory
The Migration Observatory provides independent, evidence-based analysis of data on migration and migrants in the UK (Oxford University 2021)
Gains from trade
This video is prepared for the University of Sussex for the UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO) explaining the reasons why international trade can benefit an economy (2022).
Building supply chain resilience
This video produced by the UK Trade Policy Observatory puts forward suggestions for companies on how to manage persistent shocks through diversification, end-to-end supply chain visibility and targeted government policies (3 minutes / UK 2022).
Effective climate policy
This video produced by the UK Trade Policy Observatory analyses the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism pros and cons in addressing carbon leakage, and suggests how further cooperation may be achieved to ensure climate change policy is effective (3 minutes / 2022).
The ins and outs of the Single Market
The UK Trade Policy Observatory at the University of Sussex has produced this short, animated video that explains what the Single Market is, how it works and the ways it effects trade, and thereby the economy (UK 2019).