Nuclear - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Nuclear - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

The nuclear Debate
Following the radiation leak at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, caused by the terrible earthquake and tsunami that hit the country on 11th March, this lesson discusses some of the pros and cons of nuclear power.?
Nuclear Energy
This infographic on nuclear energy uses current data and handy visualizations to explore the efficacy, capacity, and safety of nuclear energy generation compared to fossil fuels (USA: Our World in Data 2021).
Explosion at Japan Nuclear Plant
EFL Lesson Plan on Japan's Nuclear Crisis - by Sean Banville.
Nuclear Energy: What's Your Reaction?
Nuclear energy is subject to intense debates over safety, cost, and long-term effects. Are the potential risks of nuclear power generation outweighed by the benefits in terms of reduced pollution and emissions from greenhouse gases? This 60-minute lesson plan, appropriate for middle school science, social studies, or language arts classrooms, engages students in discussing ...
Nuclear reactors in the world
Wie viele Atomreaktoren gibt es in den verschiedenen Ländern der Erde? Ein Klick auf den Ländernamen in der Übersicht führt zu detaillierten Informationen über die Kernenergie im jeweiligen Land.
Nuclear Threat Initiative Education Tutorials
Set of educational tutorials that can be useful to introduce students to the complex issues of nonproliferation in the 21st century (USA 2016-21).
Guide to UK nuclear power
Nuclear power is back at the top of the political agenda.The UK relies on atomic energy for nearly 20% of its electricity. But all but one of its existing power stations are due to close by 2023.No reactors have been built since the 1980s, as accidents, spiralling decommissioning costs and the problem of nuclear waste eroded enthusiasm.But with soaring oil and gas prices, ...
Japan crisis: UK nuclear review to report in two months
In diesem Zeitungsartikel vom 17. März 2011 wird berichtet, dass anlässlich der Japankrise im Vereinigten Königreich die Gefahren der Atomenergie unter die Lupe genommen werden sollen.
Der Vertrag über die Nichtverbreitung von Kernwaffen (englisch Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) hat das Verbot der Verbreitung und die Verpflichtung zur Abrüstung von Kernwaffen sowie das Recht auf die „friedliche Nutzung“ der Kernenergie zum Gegenstand.
Defending Ukraine
Students will understand that military intervention, especially against a nuclear-armed country such as Russia, carries huge risk, but so, too, does the decision not to intervene directly (USA: Council on Foreign Relations 2022).