Newspaper - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Comparing Newspapers
Flags in Germany are Flying at Half-Mast
Spiegel online international. Newspaper articles
Politico: European Elections
The dossier of the weekly newspaper provides the latest news and polls (2018).
Teaching Kids News
Teaching Kids News posts weekly news articles, written by professional journalists. It's free to read and use in the classroom. If you’d like to reprint something from the website you need to contact TKN.
British Newspapers
In dieser Unterrichtseinheit erhalten die Schülerinnen und Schüler einen Einblick in das britische Zeitungswesen. Zudem lernen sie in der Videosequenz ”The trainee journalist” eine junge britische Journalistin und ihren Arbeitsalltag kennen.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
Newspapers from 1860 to 1922 (National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress? 2011)
BBC - Sandy closes in on US East Coast
An informative newspaper article