Myth - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Myth - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Myth and Reality: The American Dream in the 21st Century
Links zu Lesson Plans und Webquests sowie weitere Anregungen zum American Dream gibt es hier zu entdecken. Leider wurde die Seite zuletzt 2004 aktualisiert und enthält zahlreiche tote Links.
BBC - Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit
Mary Beard's entertaining whirlwind intro to Roman history begins with the origin myth of Romulus and Remus (YouTube 2018).
Die Entstehung einer Nation und die Bildung von (Gründungs-)Mythen
Beispiel für fächerverbindenden Unterricht (LK Englisch und GK Geschichte) im bilingualen Bildungsgang der gymnasialen Oberstufe (NRW 1999).
The Big Myth - How did it all begin? Every culture has its own answer!
The International Association for Intercultural Education together with Distant Train provides in English and in Nederlands a rich variety of myths allover the world. Big Myth is a new experimental learning module designed for use in European primary school classrooms. It is a sociology textbook for the comparative study of world creation mythology. The myths are told using ...
Online Game zu STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)
 ‘Adventures in Sex City’ is part of a website to educate teens about STDs. The site sets up the game by saying, “In the dark of the night, Sex City is in a panic because of the terrible Sperminator, whose sole mission is to infect all citizens with various sexually transmitted infections.” Visitors are asked to choose an avatar from one of four Sex Squad ...