Monopoly - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Monopoly - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Students will learn in this EconEd-lesson that the profit-maximization rules for the monopoly are the same as they are for a perfectly competitive firm but the monopoly will produce a smaller output than society would like it to produce (USA 2016-22).
Würfelnde Zufallsexperimente mit Excel
Die absoluten und relativen Häufigkeiten der Augensummen beim Werfen zweier Würfel werden mit dem Spiele-Klassiker Monopoly und der Excel-Simulation eines Zufallsexperimentes bestimmt.
America's Concentration Crisis
The Open Markets Institute — an anti-monopoly think tank — released the first part of a data set showing the market share that the largest companies have in each industry (USA 2018).
History of Monopolies in the United States
Monopolies in the United States have existed in many forms. When a business dominates a market, its market power makes it a monopoly. How these businesses use their market power will determine the legality of the monopoly. Contrary to popular belief, monopolies are not illegal in the United States. What is illegal is actions taken by monopolies to limit competition. This ...