Metropolis - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Metropolis - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

London Lives: Crime, Poverty and Social Policy in the Metropolis
The website aims to make accessible the records of non-elite individuals in order to show how those users of particular social institutions—charities, the penal system, and others—shaped their development (Economic and Social Research Council 2010).
Revealing Chicago - An Aerial Portrait
Patterns of human use (and misuse) of the land can be provocatively revealed through aerial photography. This delightful online exhibit brings together the photographic acumen of Terry Evans, working in tandem with two regional organizations in Chicago, the Openlands Project and Chicago Metropolis 2020.
Was ist Naturphilosophie? (Hans-Dieter Mutschler)
 Internetadresse des Aufsatzes ”Was ist Naturphilosophie?”, Autor: Hans-Dieter Mutschler. In: Ott, K./ Gorke, M. (Hg.): Spektrum der Umweltethik, Metropolis-Verlag Marburg 2000 
Der Film "Metropolis" im Deutsch- und Religionsunterricht
In diesem Unterrichtsprojekt für die Fächer Deutsch und Religion in der Sekundarstufe II interpretieren Schülerinnen und Schüler den Film "Metropolis" auf verschiedenen Ebenen.
The Plan of Chicago - A Regional Legacy
ʺIn 1909, Daniel Burnham, Edward Bennett, and the Commercial Club of Chicago launched an era of big dreams for the Chicago region and cities throughout the world with the publication of the Plan of Chicago.  In 2009, the Plan’s 100th anniversary gives metropolitan Chicago an unparalleled opportunity to recapture the spirit of imagination and innovation that the Burnham ...