Membership - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Western Union: Debating Benefits and Challenges of EU Membership
In this New York Times Lesson students research the European Union and the criterion and ramifications of membership and hold a conference to debate the admittance of other potential EU countries (2010).
Western Union: Debating Benefits and Challenges of EU Membership
In this New York Times Lesson students research the European Union and the criterion and ramifications of membership and hold a conference to debate the admittance of other potential EU countries (2010-20).
This is a lesson to engage students in considering unions in the U.S. --what role they have played and why union membership is declining (Teachable Moment 2007)
Political parties in the UK may be funded through membership fees, party donations or through state funding, the latter of which is reserved for administrative costs (2018).
This lesson presents arguments supporting and opposing the United Kingdom’s membership in the European Union using an analysis of political cartoons (USA: Brown University 2019-21).
This is a lesson to engage students in considering unions in the U.S., what role they have played and why union membership is declining (USA: Teachable Moment 2007-19)