Media Literacy - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

What Is Media Literacy and How Do We Practice It?
In this lesson, students will apply media literacy skills to global news stories, and then will take action to encourage the spread of reliable information and urgent under-reported stories (USA: Pulitzer Center 2020).
Newseum: Media Literacy Resources
The Newseum is a museum dedicated to all things journalism. It offers lesson plans in three main areas: Headlines of History, Journalism and the First Amendment (2013-18).
What Is Media Literacy and How Do We Practice It?
Students will be able to describe what it means for a story to be under-reported. The apply the following five components of media literacy to Pulitzer Center reporting: Access, Analyze, Evaluate, Create, and Act (USA 2021).
News Literacy - High School
This unit teaches students to recognize high-standards journalism so they can make informed judgments about the information coming at them (USA: iCivics 2017).
How to teach your students about fake news
This lesson gives students media literacy skills they need to navigate the media, including how to spot fake news (USA: PBS 2017).
Fake News: Recommendations
Collection of recommendations from news stories and blog posts (Frank W. Baker, Media Literacy Clearinghouse, USA 2017)
Crash Course: Navigating Digital Information
The video series offers practical strategies for digital literacy topics (USA 2019).
This organization's website contains a Digital Classroom, which offers video lessons and viewing guides, primary sources, standards-aligned content, and integrated activities that support media literacy, critical thinking skills and civic engagement (USA 2018).
Themenstern Englisch Sek. II The Media
Im Fremdsprachenunterricht ist das Thema Medien in mehrfacher Weise virulent und zielt u.a. auf die Entwicklung von Medienkompetenz (media literacy).
Handbuch zur Internet-Kompetenz (Europarat)
Das Handbuch ist in drei Versionen (Flash, Nur-Text, Einzelkapitel) erhältlich. Es soll jungen Menschen in verständlicher Weise die verschiedenenDienste des Internet, Suchmaschinen, Portale, E-Mail und andere interaktive Dienste erläutern (Blog, Newsgroups). Neben dem Aspekt der Informationssuche bilden Sicherheit und Schutz einen Schwerpunkt (Spam, Datensicherheit, ...