Market - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Market Economy
This crash course takes a look at how the government plays a role in the economy. Specifically, the way the government creates and maintains our market economic system (USA: PBS 2020).
Command Economies and Market Economies
An introduction to the difference between command economies and market economies (10 minutes / Khan Academy 2022).
On the Market: Thinking Critically About Advertising
In this New York Times  lesson, students consider various forms of advertising, then keep logs of the ads and other branded content they encounter in a specified period, and reflect on their experiences with marketing (2011).
At the market
a short video (1:45) that shows what a British market is like
In the Market for a New Car?
This resource will help walk you through the steps necessary when considering purchasing a new or used car (EconEd, USA 2015)