Majority - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Majority - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Majority rule - a fair rule?
The majority decides and the minority must accept this decision. What happens if the minority becomes a “persistent minority” – if it is permanently outvoted? The unit focuses on this problem (2020).
Alexis de Tocqueville on the Tyranny of the Majority
These lessons focus on Chapter 7 in Volume 1, Part 2 of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, in which Tocqueville lays out his arguments about the dangers of the ʺtyranny of the majority.ʺ(USA: EDSITEment 2019)
Filibuster and Reconciliation
The filibuster is a powerful legislative device in the United States Senate, but reconciliation provides a process to prevent the use of the filibuster and thereby allow the passage of a bill with simple majority support in the Senate (2021).
The Changing Face of the Heartland
By the year 2044, people of color will make up a majority of the U.S. population. Jennifer Bradley studies a region in Minnesota changing as rapidly as any in the country (Brookings Essay 2015-20).
Good Calculators
This website is dedicated to providing a reliable collection of freely available calculators ʺfor domestic and commercial use.ʺ The majority of these calculators have been developed by the team behind this website, who describe themselves as ʺfervent IT professionals.ʺ Visitors can browse these calculators by category, which include engineering calculators, statistics and ...
The Returns to Pencil Use Revisited
The increased diffusion of computers is one of the fundamental changes at workplaces in recent decades. While the majority of workers now spend a substantial fraction of their working day with a computer, research on the wage effect of computer use effectively came to a halt after DiNardo and Pischke [1997] found that wages were also positively associated with pencil use, ...