Lived - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Lived - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Elizabeth Barret Browning: I Lived with Visions
Gedicht aus der Reihe 'Sonnets from the Portuguese'.
17.3% of Germany's population has immigrated since 1950
14.2 million people lived in Germany in 2021 who themselves had immigrated since 1950, according to microcensus results (Statistisches Bundesamt 2023).
Why Socrates Hated Democracy
We’re used to thinking well of democracy. But one of the wisest people who ever lived, Socrates, had deep suspicions of it (2022).
The Pudding: A People Map of the UK
City names are replaced by their most Wikipedia'ed resident: people born in, lived in, or connected to a place (2019).
Barack Obama: 44th President of the United States
The Barack Obama, elected the 44th President of the United States booklet , has lived a truly American life, and has opened a new chapter in American politics. This publication tells the story of Obama’s life, describes how he captured the presidency, and portrays his vision for the future. It also introduces readers to the Obama family and to the new Vice President, Joseph ...
Witness to the Early American Experience
New York from the early Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam up to the British occupation of the city during the American Revolution - What was the early American experience like in New York?  ”Here you can explore the history of New York through the words of those who lived it.”  (New York University’s Fales Library,  in conjunction with the New York Historical Society ...
Tracing the past
Die Non-Profit-Organisation hat das Ziel, auf Basis von Archiven und des Zensus von 1939 die Lebensdaten von jüdischen Menschen in Deutschland bis zum Holocaust für die Nachwelt zugänglich zu machen. So werden unter anderem die Adressen der letzten Wohnungen aufbereitet (Projekt "Mapping the Lives"). Es handelt sich um eine ...
segu: American History - 17th and 18th Century
Lernmodule für einen ʺselbstgesteuert-entwickelnder Geschichtsunterrichtʺ (segu), auf der Plattform des Forschungsprojekts an der Uni Köln (2012-20)