Kristallnacht - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
The Echoes of Kristallnacht
In the film, the interview subjects recall their experiences in Weimar Germany and the early days of the Nazi regime. Many escaped by the Kindertransport program; others were lucky enough to obtain visas through well-connected family members or friends in America. This film was produced by the Leo Baeck Institute. (2018)
- Geschichte (4)
- Sozialkundlich-Philosophische Fächer (3)
- Neueste Geschichte Seit 1990 (2)
- Epochen (2)
- Germany (1)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (1)
- Englisch (1)
- Novemberpogrom (3)
- Kristallnacht (2)
- Reichspogromnacht (2)
- Judengesetze (2)
- Jüdische Geschichte (2)
- Pogrom (2)
- Judentum (2)