James, Henry - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Henry James : Daisy Miller: A Study
eine englische Novelle aus dem Jahre 1879
Henry James: The Europeans
ʺThe Europeans: A sketch is a short novel by Henry James, published in 1878. It is essentially a comedy contrasting the behaviour and attitudes of two visitors from Europe with those of their relatives living in the 'new' world of New England.ʺ (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Europeans)
The Turn of the Screw
full text of Henry James' novel ʺThe Turn of the Screwʺ
ʺThe Portrait of a Ladyʺ - Teaching guide
ʺUse a teaching guide that includes great information about Henry James as well as discussion questions to be used when teaching The Portrait of a Lady, a story about a young American woman asserting her independence and facing destiny.ʺ