Inspire - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Ekphrasis: Using Art to Inspire Poetry
ʺIn this lesson, students explore ekphrasis—writing inspired by art. Students begin by reading and discussing several poems inspired by works of art. Through the discussion, students learn ways in which poets can approach a piece of artwork (for instance, writing about the scene being depicted in the artwork, writing in the voice of the person depicted in the artwork, ...
Indigenous Education Resources (University of Calgary)
ʺThis resource site is intended to provide the academic staff, support staff and students of the Werklund School of Education with resources to help inform, inspire, and support professional development in Indigenous education.ʺ (Quelle: Anbieter, 2022) Themen: Foundational Education Documents Indigenous Lifeways Colonization Decolonization and others
Youtube-Kanal ʺTeachersʺ
ʺ was created to help teachers leverage video to educate, engage and inspire their students. Here you will find tips and tricks for bringing YouTube into the classroom, as well as over 400 video playlists curated by CUE and aligned with the Common Core. is part of YouTube's larger educational initiative, YouTube EDU, featuring ...
How to make a great presentation - TED Talk videos
ʺStressed about an upcoming presentation? These talks are full of helpful tips on how to get up in front of an audience and make a lasting impression.ʺ (Quelle: Anbieter /, 2022) Die Plattform der berühmten TED Talks hat hier eine Playliste von Videos zusammengestellt, die sich mit den folgenden Themen befassen: The secret structure of great talks The beauty of data ...
The American Museum of Natural History
ʺOur mission is to promote understanding of the natural world and our place in it. The museum’s collections tell the history of the planet and are a record of human interaction with the environment and one another. As we all work to shape a sustainable world, this record becomes the starting point. It is our guidebook to how the future can look and work. Because of the ...
Das GEOportal.NRW ist die zentrale Vermittlungsstelle zwischen Nutzern und Anbietern von Geodaten in NRW. Weiterhin dient es als Informationsplattform hinsichtlich des aktuellen Stands der INSPIRE-Umsetzung und des Aufbaus der Geodateninfrastruktur in NRW (GDI-NW). Als Kernelement der Geodateninfrastruktur NRW ermöglicht das GEOportal.NRW den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, der ...
20 Beautiful Autumn Poems For Kids To Fall For
ʺLeaves fall, a cool breeze whispers a natural song, and the clear sky looks bright with soothing sun rays. The most-awaited season, autumn continues until the first snow covers the landscape. This season is loved by children as the sky turns clear and brighter. Several poets have written and composed poems on the beauty of autumn. Enjoy the pleasant and peaceful season with ...
- Englisch (9)
- Sprachen und Literatur (9)
- Sprache, Sprachliche Fertigkeiten, Kompetenzen (2)
- Literatur (2)
- Landeskunde, Soziokulturelles Orientierungswissen (2)
- Geographie (2)
- Landeskunde Anderer Anglophoner Länder (1)