Huckleberry - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen
Mark Twain´s Huckleberry Finn
This collection offers a complete early edition of Huckleberry Finn, the 174 illustrations from the first edition, and the obscene illustration that appeared in the sales prospectuses. Also included: dozens of early reviews from newspapers and magazines across the country; early ads; the London and American first edition covers; and a 1930 article by E.W. Kemble describing his ...
Mark Twain´s Huckleberry Finn
This collection offers a complete early edition of Huckleberry Finn, the 174 illustrations from the first edition, and the obscene illustration that appeared in the sales prospectuses. Also included: dozens of early reviews from newspapers and magazines across the country; early ads; the London and American first edition covers; and a 1930 article by E.W. Kemble describing his ...
America - United States - American Literature
To find out more information about books from the United States, take a look at these resources. Read more about American literature like ʺLeaves of Grass,ʺ ʺThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,ʺ ʺThe Awakening,ʺ ʺMy Antonia,ʺ ʺThe Great Gatsby,ʺ and other works. Also, take a look at periods and movements in American literature.
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- Niedersächsischer Bildungsserver (2)
- Deutscher Bildungsserver (1)
- Englisch (8)
- Sprachen und Literatur (8)
- Literatur (7)
- Stevenson, Robert L. (3)
- Autoren (3)
- Allgemeines zu Englischthemen (2)
- Sprache, Sprachliche Fertigkeiten, Kompetenzen (2)
- Mark (4)
- Huckleberry Finn (3)
- Finn (3)
- Huckleberry (3)
- Englisch (3)
- Of Mice And Men (2)
- Film: Dead Poetsâ?? Society (2)