Growth - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Creating and Comparing Population Growth Projections
In this lesson, students create population profiles of countries and use simple mathematical tools to create population projections that can be compared and analyzed (New York Times Lesson 2011-20).
Environment (Bilingual Englisch)
Environment (Bilingual Englisch)
Nowcastinglab (en)
A real-time database with current estimates of real GDP growth for European countries (ETH Zürich 2023)
Is Globalization a Dirty Word?
Students will:Define globalization, growth, and poverty.Analyze data regarding the connection between poverty reduction, economic growth, and globalization.Summarize the benefits and costs associated with an increasingly global economy. (EconEd 2002-14)
What impact is Brexit having on the UK economy?
Briefings for Britain, a Brexit-supporting body, notes that the UK’s cumulative growth has been slightly higher than Germany’s since 2016 (UK 2022).
Can the economy grow forever?
Is infinite economic growth possible on a planet with finite resources? Explore how countries can balance efficiency with sustainability (6 minutes / TED-ED 2022).
Atlas of Economic Complexity
This data visualization project allows people to explore global trade flows across markets, track these dynamics over time, and discover new growth opportunities for every country (USA: Harvard University's Center for International Development 2019).
The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra
Palmyra's growth and artistic style resulted from its economic prosperity as a caravan city and its location at the eastern edge of the Roman Empire (USA: Getty Museum 2017)
Production Possibilities Curve
The production possibilities curve is an excellent tool for showing scarcity, opportunity cost, and allocation of goods and services. The model is used to explain economic growth and efficiency for an economy (USA: EconEd 2011-19).