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International Crisis Group
Die Nichtregierungsorganisation liefert Analysen und Lösungsvorschläge zu internationalen Konflikten (2008-23).
Stanford History Education Group
Stanford University provides educators teaching tools that are widespread in US schools (2020).
Der Wettbewerb wird von der Boston Consulting Group, einer internationalen Managementberatung, ausgerichtet (2023).
U.N. Human Rights: Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen
Die Vereinten Nationen stellen hier ihre Berichte zur Lage im Jemen bereit (2019).
Fair Trade
A group of Essex students respond to a lesson on fair trade. In this programme, maths teacher Nikki Matthews demonstrates how she is teaching global citizenship to her Year 8 tutor group. In lesson one, Nikki introduces the group to the concept of fair trade through a board game (UK: TES 2010-21)
The World Bank Group (engl.)
Homepage of the World bank Group. The World Bank Group’s mission is to fight poverty and improve the living standards of people in the developing world. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to empower ...
The American Drama Group Europe
ʺThe American Drama Group Europe was formed by Ohio native Grantly Marshall in 1978 in the city of Munich. it was linked in the beginning to the University of Munich where the first performances were held. It expanded quickly to other theatres in Munich and also began to give guest performances in other German cities. The expansion was continued to include many countries in ...
Miniweb Frühblüher
Sie finden hier ein Miniweb über Frühblüher mit Materialien zum kostenlosen Download. Ein Service der Education Group.
Die International Crisis Group beleuchtet die aktuelle Entwicklung des Konflikts (2022).