Germanys - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

17.3% of Germany's population has immigrated since 1950
14.2 million people lived in Germany in 2021 who themselves had immigrated since 1950, according to microcensus results (Statistisches Bundesamt 2023).
How Germany’s Economy Made The Greatest Economic Comeback
The German economy is the fourth largest in the world, posting the largest export surplus (USA 2020).
The Evolution of Germany's Political Spectrum
Germany’s parliamentary democracy is home to a wide range of political parties. In fact, more than 40 parties received votes in the 2017 national election (5 minutes, 2023).
German vs. American Health Care
Germany’s health-care system spends nearly half as much as the United States but still manages to cover 100% of its population through a mix of public and private insurance schemes (11 minutes / USA: CNBC 2019-21).
Dank einer Classroom Management Lösung erfolgreich digital unterrichten
Dieser Fachartikel zum Thema Classroom Management beschäftigt sich mit den Möglichkeiten, in direkten Kontakt mit den mobilen Endgeräten von Schülerinnen und Schülern zu treten, sie bei ihrem Lernen zu unterstützen und somit den modernen Unterricht effizienter zu gestalten.