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Web Gallery - Werke Arcimboldos
In der Web Gallery finden Sie verschiedene Werke von Guiseppe Arcimboldo.
National Gallery of Art: Uncovering America
The site provides teachers with thematic modules featuring NGA works of art that focus on the intersection of art and American identity and history, and can be used to teach topics such as Activism and Protest, Manifest Destiny and the West, Transportation, and Gordon Parks Photographs (USA 2020).
World War 1 Cartoons
300 politische Karikaturen aus dem englischen Satire-Magazin Punch, das von 1888 bis 2002 erschien (2014)
Italian Renaissance Learning Resources
Eight units that elucidate the textures, themes, and context of Italian Renaissance artists (National Gallery of Art, Washington 2016)
U.S. Census: Data Visualization
This online gallery provides access to several dozen visualizations documenting population change, settlement patterns, and more (U.S. Census Bureau 2014).
The 10 best British youth cultures
The Red or Dead co-founder Wayne Hemingway picks his top music-led fashion fads.
Interactive Classroom Activities
The National Portrait Gallery of London offers this collection: Specially developed downloadable PDFs, audio and web-based resources to support school-based learning around portraiture and the Gallery’s Collection (UK 2020).
Italian Renaissance Learning Resources
This web resource for students and teachers was created through a collaboration between the U.S. National Gallery of Art and Oxford University Press's Grove Art Online (USA 2019).
Iowa State's Entomology Image Gallery / Bilder von Insekten
Sammlung von Bildern von Insekten, teilweise auch Filme, u.a. die Sektion einer Zecke.
Tribesourcing Southwest Film Project
This project is ʺtribesourcingʺ educational films about the Native peoples of the Southwestern U.S. The films are from the American Indian Film Gallery, a collection of about 500 educational films at the University of Arizona (USA 2021).