GEOGRAPHIC - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

GEOGRAPHIC - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

National Geographic: Teachers
Educational materials from National Geographic (2012)
National Geographic: Teachers
Educational materials from National Geographic (2012-19)
National Geographic: Atlas Explorer
These atlases from National Geographic bring geography lessons to life for students of every grade and level.
National Geographic: Mapmaker
Einfache Erstellung eigener Karten auf Basis verschiedener vorgegebener Layer (z.B. Korallenbleiche, Dürreindizes, Zugbahnen großer Tornados, Erdbeben, Mangroven, Meeresströmungen, Niederschlag, erneuerbare Energien ....). Das Angebot ist auf Englisch.
Satellite, street maps and more (National Geographic 2010).
Prehistoric Time Line
Interactive timeline created by National Geographic (2008)
What causes earthquakes?
The National Geographic explains where earthquakes usually take place and how they're measured (2023).
Seven Things to Know About Climate Change
This series of infographics and animations helps viewers understand and visualize the causes and effects of global climate change (National Geographic 2018).
Extreme Weather Film and Lesson Plans
Students will practice forecasting and measuring weather, identifying weather patterns, and making connections between weather and climate (National Geographic 2021).
Earthquakes 101
Learn about the geophysics behind earthquakes, how they are measured, and where the most powerful earthquake ever witnessed occurred. (5 minutes / National Geographic 2020)