Fiction - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Fiction - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Christophe Lambert, ʺLa loi de la beautéʺ (Science Fiction)
Dieses zip-Archiv enthält ein Arbeitsblatt mit zahlreichen Arbeitsaufträgen sowie Hintergrundinformationen zum Science-Fiction-Roman ʺLa loi de la beautéʺ. (im zip-Format) 
I'm Reading
Einfache Texte zum Lesen, Vorlesen oder Aufführen für Erstlernende: Three Little Plays Fiction and Non-fiction Folk Tales Greek Myths Chinese Fables
The Customs Union: The Fiction of ‘Frictionless’ Trade
After Brexit, the UK will have to leave the EU Customs Union (CU) and become a legally separate customs territory (UK 2019).
X Minus One - Old Time Radio (Science Fiction Hörspiele)
ʺInitially a revival of NBC's Dimension X (1950-51), X Minus One is widely considered among the finest science fiction dramas ever produced for radio. The first 15 episodes were new versions of Dimension X episodes, but the remainder were adaptations of newly published science fiction stories by leading writers in the field, including Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Philip ...
H.G. Wells: The Time Machine - text
ein englischer Science-Fiction-Roman von 1895
Klara and the Sun
Wikipedia article about Kazuo Ishiguro's dystopian science fiction story ʺKlara and the Sunʺ
Herbert George Wells : The Time Machine
ein englische Science Fiction von 1895
English Short Stories Library
This collection of short stories includes horrror, crime, sci-fi, romance and general fiction.