Explore - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Explore - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Onlinebuch - Europa
Schülerinne und Schüler haben hier die Möglichkeit ein Onlinebuch mit Informationen rund um Europa zu lesen.
International Trade
Numerous lessons explore international trade (EconEd 2006-19)
Here we find teacher lesson plans around many nature livecams created by researchers and animal experts (USA: Annenberg 2020).
A Virtual Visit to The University of Edingburgh
Take a guided tour or explore for yourself!
myfuture guides you through activities to help you explore your career. You will answer questions, explore career suggestions made by myfuture, select career favourites, clarify your career direction, and then, create an action plan to help you reach your career goals.
The Dual Court System
Students learn how the U.S. came to have a dual court system and explore how the state and federal levels of that system work. Students explore jurisdiction, trial and appellate courts, and how judges are selected (USA: iCivics 2022).
Teacher's Guide to Studying Shakespeare
Explore teaching activities to be used before, during, and after reading Shakespeare's plays.
Rule by One
In this lesson, students explore the advantages and disadvantages of monarchy and take a look at the roles power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty have played in its long-standing history (USA: iCivics 2022).
Students explore the causes of earthquakes, including the role of tectonic plates, and consider the efforts scientists are making to better understand and predict these sometimes deadly events (USA: PBS 2023).
List of activities to explore earthquakes, sorted either by grade level or by topic (USA: Oklahoma Geological Survey 2023)