Elected - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Elected - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

An Ailing Arkansas City Elected an 18-Year-Old Mayor
In this lesson, students will consider what it takes to become an elected official at a young age, and identify a community issue they would tackle if they were mayor (USA: NYT 2023).
Fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics (USA 2017).
How Presidents and Vice Presidents Are Elected
Artikel ʺThe president and vice president of the United States campaign together and are elected as a team and not individually following the adoption of the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was drafted to prevent the nation's two highest elected officials from being from opposing political parties. The amendment made it more difficult, but not impossible, ...
Neutral compendium of U.S. ballot measures and elections. Also covered are institutions and topics surrounding elected officials and ballot measures on local, state and federal level (USA 2016-18).
Compulsory Voting
Advocates of compulsory voting argue that decisions made by democratically elected governments are more legitimate when higher proportions of the population participate (USA: IDEA 2018).
European elections
The website of the European Parliament gives an overview of how Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) get elected (2018).
How Social Media is Shaping Our Political Future
Drawing on her personal path from indifferent citizen to passionate campaigner, Victoria Bonney implores us to examine the ways citizens and elected officials alike are using social media to change democracy (USA 2020).
Barack Obama: 44th President of the United States
The Barack Obama, elected the 44th President of the United States booklet , has lived a truly American life, and has opened a new chapter in American politics. This publication tells the story of Obama’s life, describes how he captured the presidency, and portrays his vision for the future. It also introduces readers to the Obama family and to the new Vice President, Joseph ...
About America: How the U.S. is Governed
This joint publication of the State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs and Braddock Communications presents a comprehensive yet easy-to-read overview of the various levels of and institutions related to government in the U.S. ”How the United States Is Governed” describes how federal, state, and local governments are elected, how they operate, and ...
Red or Blue? The 2020 U.S. Elections
Wahlen in den USA 2020 (englisch und deutsch) Fertige, englischsprachige Unterrichtsreihe, wobei die Hintergrundinformationen (auch) auf deutsch sind. Es gibt vier Themenfelder mit Arbeitsblättern und Lösungen: A: Germany and the United States of America B: How the President of the U.S. is Elected C: The Big Issues of the 2020 Campaign D: Donald Trump‘s Presidency: The ...