Earth - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Earth Day: Give Earth a Hand
Earth Day: Give Earth a HandBeeindruckendes Greenpeace-Video
Dynamic Earth Interactive
Delve into the earth's interior, learn about its tectonic plates and their movements, and discover how mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are formed (USA: Annenberg 2019)
Earth and Moon Viewer
You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe. [in english as you may have guessed ;-)]
UE The Earth (I)
Fachliche Inhalte, kommunikative Tätigkeiten/Arbeitsformen, Materialverzeichnis
Earth Watching Satellitenbilder
Radarbilder der ESA  zu Hochwasser, Ölverschmutzung, Feuer, Vulkanausbrüchen bieten diese Webseiten,...
Ancient Eart
What did the earth like like 600 million years ago? (Ian Webster: USA 2018)
UE The Earth (I)
Fachliche Inhalte, kommunikative Tätigkeiten/Arbeitsformen, Materialverzeichnis
When The Earth Shakes
This short animated video helps you prepare for an earthquake (USA: FEMA 2023)