Done - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Done - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

What Is Inflation? What Can Be Done About It?
Students discuss the rising cost of goods and services and consider why this is happening and what people propose to do about it (USA: Teachable Moment 2022).
Arbeitstechniken Arbeits- und Zeitmanagement
Diese Seite stellt Techniken vor wie persönliches Zeitprotokoll, persönliches Zeitprofil, Methoden des Arbeits- und Zeitmanagements, Ziele erkennen und formulieren, Prioritäten setzen, Selbstmanagement im Konzept des Getting Things Done™ von David Allen u.a.
Regulation of Interest Groups
What has the U.S. Congress done to regulate lobbying? (USA: Cliffs Notes 2021)
Are you following your dreams? - podcast
In this 6 minute podcast, Neil and Beth talk about dreams. You'll hear from two people who dared to follow their dreams and are happy to have done so. You'll also learn some related vocabulary along the way.
Online-Arbeitsblätter mit Online-Korrektur
You can practise your English grammar and vocabulary skills with interactive tests on this free website. You can receive free interactive email tests. If you register and login you can see which tests you have done and how successfully. Learning English with these free online tests is really motivating. New tests are added every week.
English - Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets
Kostenlose Englische Grammatikübungen als Online-Lückentexte mit Korrekturfunktion. This website provides you with practice material and online grammar and vocabulary exercises for students and teachers . Exercises can be done on browser, tablets and smartphones. Downloads are available for free and are in PDF Format. Currently there are over 100 worksheets that can be ...
Daily Writing Prompts
As always, The Teacher’s Corner is looking for ways to make life easier. We hope that our newest addition, “Daily Writing Prompt,” does just that. On as many days as possible, we have selected an event from our monthly event calendars to be the focus of the writing prompt. Our “Daily Writing Prompt” resources can be used in a number of ways: Daily warm-up activity ...
International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. When first created by the Second Committee of the UN General Assembly in late 1993, 29 December (the date of entry into force of the Convention of Biological Diversity), was designated The International Day for Biological ...
Speaking activity: small talk questions
Dieses Arbeitsmaterial beinhaltet eine PowerPoint-Präsentation mit über 70 Fragen und Situationen als "small talk" Sprechanlässe. In Partnerarbeit haben die Lernenden eine Minute Zeit, über eine Frage zu sprechen oder zu diskutieren.