Documenting - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Documenting the American South
Digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture. Currently DocSouth includes sixteen thematic collections of books, diaries, posters, artifacts, letters, oral history interviews, and songs (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018).
Onward and Upward?
In this New York Times lesson, students learn about the correlation between job growth and poverty. They investigate how national trends in economics, labor and commerce are playing out in their area and then go into the community to photograph and compile evidence. They present their findings in a class-wide project (2010).
German History in Documents and Images
Collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present (USA 2023)
German History in Documents and Images
Collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present (German Historical Institute, Washington, DC. 2010-20)
History & Politics Out Loud
Searchable multimedia database documenting authoritative audio relevant to American history and politics (Northwestern University 2008-21).
The Friend of Man (1836-1842)
One of the most significant newspapers documenting early anti-slavery and other reform movements (Cornell University 2015-21)
U.S. Census: Data Visualization
This online gallery provides access to several dozen visualizations documenting population change, settlement patterns, and more (U.S. Census Bureau 2014).
US Mass Shootings
The magazine Mother Jones created a first-of-its-kind open-source database documenting mass shootings in the United States (USA 2019).
Nevada Test Site Oral History Project
Based at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the Nevada Test Site Oral History Project is ʺa comprehensive program dedicated to documenting, preserving and disseminating the remembered past of persons affiliated with and affected by the Nevada Test Site during the era of Cold War nuclear testing.ʺ (2009-20)
Der Europass öffnet Türen zum Lernen und Arbeiten in Europa. Mit seinen unterschiedlichen Bausteinen bietet er ein geeignetes Instrumentarium, um im In- und Ausland gemachte Erfahrungen zu dokumentieren und darzustellen. Dabei vermittelt er ein umfassendes Gesamtbild der Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen einzelner Personen und erleichtert die Vergleichbarkeit im europäischen ...