Divided - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Divided - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Divided government in the United States
In the United States, divided government describes a situation in which one party controls the executive branch while another party controls one or both houses of the legislative branch (Wikipedia 2020).
A Class Divided
Classic documentary on third-grade teacher Jane Elliott's ʺblue eyes/brown eyesʺ exercise, originally conducted in the days following the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 (USA: PBS: Frontline 2010-20)
A Continent Divided: The U.S. - Mexico War
This war remains ʺthe largest and most significant armed struggle between two nations in the Western Hemisphere.ʺ(USA: University of Texas Arlington 2019)
Devolution: United Kingdom or Divided Kingdom?
Im ʺUnited Kingdomʺ sind England, Schottland, Wales und Nordirland vereint, streben aber auch auseinander. Seit 1999 sollen regionale Volksvertretungen das Unabhängigkeitsstreben sowohl artikulieren als auch bremsen. ʺDevolutionʺ ist nach dem Soziologen Bell eine mittelbare Folge der Globalisierung, wenn Nationalstaaten zu klein werden, um mit großen Problemen fertig zu ...
Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities about New York
You will find numerous resources (currently over thirty thousand and climbing ) divided by topic.
Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry textbook, divided into the two overarching topics of General Principles and Functional Group Reactions, by William H. Reusch, emeritus professor at Michigan State University (2016)
EU expenditure and revenue
Interactive chart showing the EU expenditure and revenue for the 2014-2020 period divided by programme, by year, and by country (European Commission 2020).
How is power divided in the United States government?
TED-Ed Lesson by Belinda Stutzman (2020)
How to read Maps Using Grid References
This video shows how OS maps are divided into different grid references and how we can use these to identify 4 figure and 6 figure grid references. This enables you to exactly find or pinpoint a region or place (Geographer Online 2012).