Debates - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

The Federalist and Anti-federalist Debates on Diversity and the Extended Republic
In this unit, students will examine the arguments of Anti-federalists and Federalists to learn what their compromises would mean for the extended republic that would result from the new Constitution. (USA: EdSitement 2021)
Hansard archives (UK)
The official report of all Parliamentary debates (House of Commons, House of Lords). Here you can access records of debates from as far back as the early 19th century (UK 2023). 
Debate Central (USA)
Praktische Hinweise und überzeugende Beispiele für gelungene Debates (2012).
Debate Central (USA)
Praktische Hinweise und überzeugende Beispiele für gelungene Debates (USA 2012-20).
James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley (1965)
Historic debate between James Baldwin v. William F. Buckley Jr. at Cambridge University on the question: ʺIs the American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?ʺ (YouTube 2017)
By the People
Lesson Plans zu Campaign Finance, The Campaign Trail, Speeches and Debates, Electoral College, Political Advertising an more (PBS 2004/2008)
Speak Up!
Scripts, guidelines, and templates for students to chair, research, think, and speak in debates (Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec 2012).
Debating Our Destiny
Take a closer look behind the past 48 years of presidential debates by reading background essays or viewing video clips of these meetings (PBS, USA 2008).
Political Cartoons and Public Debates
 Historical context, teaching suggestions, links to online resources (USA: Library of Congress 2011-20)