Countries - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Countries - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Countries - nationalities
Arbeitsblätter zum Thema ʺcountries and nationalitiesʺ in unterschiedlichen Level
Informationen Bulgarien
Informationen über Bulgarien finden Sie hier auf dieser Seite.
Informationen - Rumänien
Informationen zu Rumänien finden Sie auf dieser Seite.
How Students in 12 Countries Are Taught About 9/11
Students explore how young people from around the world have learned about Sept. 11 and its aftermath (NYT 2021).
Does migration harm developing countries?
Does the money and skills returning migrants bring to developing countries outweigh the brain-drain effect? (UK: Guardian 2017)
World Geography Games
The Online Games challenge visitors to test their knowledge on a variety of place-based topics, from locating countries on a map to matching countries with their flag (Netherlands: EastDock Media 2020).
World Wealth & Income Database
The Database provides access to data on the historical evolution of the world distribution of income and wealth, both within countries and between countries (2018-19).
Why was NATO founded?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ensures that the security of its European member countries is inseparably linked to that of its North American member countries (NATO 2018).
Economic Sectors and International Development
Using poverty rate as a measure of development, students select countries five at a time to compare how resources are allocated to three economic sectors (agriculture, industrial, service). After making comparisons, students will identify patterns in which sector is emphasized by the wealthiest countries, and will look for patterns in the geographic distribution of countries ...