Congress - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Congress - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Learn about Congress
Interactive learning activities that help to understand how the United States Congress works (Center on Congress at Indiana University 2009-20)
How Influential is Your Member of Congress?
This WebQuest was developed by The Dirksen Congressional Center to introduce students to the concept of ”influence” or ”power” in Congress. What experiences or responsibilities distinguish more influential Congress members from less?? (USA 2011)
The United States Congress
In this learning activity students test their knowledge of the roles and differences between the two Houses of Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives (USA: Wisc-Online 2018).
Library of Congress: American History
These pages link to selected collection content available online at the Library of Congress, arranged by broad categories (2012-20).
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and lesson plans to help teachers use primary sources from the Library's digital collections (2017).
Library of Congress: Lesson Plans
This collection contains classroom-tested lesson plans using primary sources from the Library of Congress (2018).
The American Jewish Congress
The American Jewish Congress (AJCongress) is an association of American Jews organized to defend Jewish interests at home and abroad through public policy advocacy, using diplomacy, legislation, and the courts (USA 2021).
The Bicameral Congress
Craig Benzine teaches about the United States Congress, and why it's bicameral, and what bicameral means. The 9 minutes video explains what the Senate and House of Representatives are for, some of the history of the institutions, and reveals just how one can become a representative (USA: CrashCourse 2015-20).
The Legislative Process: Congress at Work
Students analyze historical records of the House and Senate to understand the sequence of steps in the legislative process (National Archives, USA 2014).
US Congress: C-SPAN
C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network) überträgt Hearings und Debatten im House of Representatives und im Senate (USA 2010-20).