Conflict - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

International Journal of Conflict and Violence
Die kostenfrei zugängliche Fachzeitschrift behandelt Themen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (2022).
Peace Education 2: War, Peace, Violence, Conflict
The second basic course addresses the core issues of peace, war, violence and conflict and investigates the findings of peace and conflict research (Institute for Peace Education Tuebingen e.V. 2012)
History of Israel-Palestine Conflict
This video presents the History of Israel-Palestine conflict that rooted a few thousand years ago (2022). 
Managing conflict in Europe in times of Change: 1648–1945
Students learn how and why conflict was managed in Europe 1648-1945 (Historiana 2023). 
Ukraine Conflict Updates
Das „Institute for the Study of War“ veröffentlicht hier tagesaktuell Karten zum Kriegsverlauf in der Ukraine. Daneben beschreibt es die aktuelle Lage samt Einschätzungen, wie sich der Krieg weiter entwickeln könnte (USA 2022).
World Water: Water Conflict
Readers will find a chronology of water conflicts dating as far back as 3000 BCE (USA 2019).
The Sunni-Shiite Conflict
One student reading describes the growing sectarian violence in Iraq; a second offers background on the historic split between Sunnis and Shiites (USA: 2019).
Peace Education 4: War, Peace, Violence, Conflict
Basic course 4 takes a look at teaching in practice. Drawing on concrete examples, it presents approaches on how to deal with conflict in a constructive way as a core part of teaching peace ((Institute for Peace Education Tuebingen e.V. 2012)
Depicting War: Examining the Conflict in Yemen
In this lesson students define different types of wars and how they apply to the Yemeni conflict, identify war’s direct and indirect effects on civilians, analyze the purpose and efficacy of narrative and investigative journalism, and they evaluate how the order of a story affects its meaning (USA: Pulitzer 2020).  
United Nations Peacekeeping
United Nations Peacekeeping helps countries torn by conflict create the conditions for lasting peace (UN 2023).