Common - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, 1776
This lesson focuses on the sections central to Paine’s argument in Common Sense (USA: National Humanities Center 2021).
Thomas Paine: Common Sense
Paine has a claim to the title The Father of the American Revolution, which rests on his pamphlets, especially Common Sense, which crystallized sentiment for independence in 1776. (USA: Bill of Rights Institute 2021)
Common Cause
Common Cause is a watchdog group based in Washington, D.C., with chapters in 35 states. The organization's stated issue areas are ʺmoney in politicsʺ, ʺvoting and electionsʺ, ʺethicsʺ, ʺa fair economyʺ, and ʺmedia and democracyʺ. (USA 2021)
Debating: Common Debating Phrases
ʺUsing the right language at the appropriate time is essential for any debate worth its salt. Use these phrases to help shore up your debating tone and style.ʺ Download Worksheets- PDF formatted: Debate phrases and debating structure PDFInformal-phrases-and-structure PDFFormal phrases and structure PDF
ʺCommon Senseʺ: The Rhetoric of Popular Democracy
Thomas Paine's Common Sense was instrumental in shifting the argument from accommodation with Britain to outright independence for the American colonies (USA: EDSITEment 2021).
Betrügen oder nicht?
Wo auch immer Mitglieder einer Gruppe kooperieren - ob Rudel oder Demokratie - sie müssen sich aufeinander verlassen können. Das Schmarotzer-Dilemma, das Ultimatumspiel und der Umgang mit Common-Good zeigen, wie wichtig Fairness ist. Spielen Sie mit!
Selektionsdruck (Conflicting selection pressures)
Observe how heredity and natural selection allow a population to adapt to a changing environment by making favorable mutations more common and unfavorable mutations less common. Der englischsprachige Selbstlernkurs läßt Schüler mit Hilfe verschiedener Simulationen und Aufgaben untersuchen, wie sich Mutation (etwa bessere Zähne...) und Selektion auf eine Schafspopulation ...
populism easily explained (explainity® explainer video)
Populism is a word that is often used in connection with politicians and political currents. Populists usually try to dramatize problems to win popular support. In this respect, populists represent various ideologies, but all of them have in common that they want to attract the common people with their slogans. What exactly does the term, populism mean, we explain it to you in ...
Betrügen oder nicht?
Wo auch immer Mitglieder einer Gruppe kooperieren - ob Rudel oder Demokratie - sie müssen sich aufeinander verlassen können. Das Schmarotzer-Dilemma, das Ultimatumspiel und der Umgang mit Common-Good zeigen, wie wichtig Fairness ist. Spielen Sie mit!
Earthquakes explained
Earthquakes are one of the most common natural disasters on earth. But why do they happen? (3 minutes / explainity® explainer video 2023)