Collection - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

The Royal Collection Trust
The aims of The Royal Collection Trust are the care and conservation of the Royal Collection, and the promotion of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational activities (UK 2022).
World War II Poster Collection
The Northwestern University Library’s World War II Poster Collection contains 338 posters issued by the U.S. government in an attempt to garner support for the war effort between 1941 and 1945 (2016).
Antislavery Collection, 1725-1911
The Antislavery Collection at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst contains several hundred pamphlets and books pertaining to slavery and antislavery in New England from 1725-1911 (USA 2014-21).
David Rumsey Historical Maps Collection
The collection focuses on 18th and 19th century North American and South American maps and other cartographic materials. Historic maps of the World, Europe, Asia, and Africa are also represented (2011-18).
The Pilgrims Collection
This unit features expert interviews that tell the Pilgrims' story from both European and Native perspectives, it also uses several videos from ʺThe American Experienceʺ (USA: PBS Learning 2016-18)
Harvard Map Collection: Digital Maps
Resources range from 16th century globes to modern maps (USA: Harvard 2010-18).
arte: The European Collection
ARTE, die öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten ARD und ZDF auf deutscher und France Télévisions auf französischer Seite sowie die Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft SRG SSR präsentieren eine gemeinsame Programmauswahl in ihren Mediatheken. Das Ziel: so vielen Menschen wie möglich eine übergreifende und europäische Perspektive auf Themen zu bieten, die ...
Teaching the U.S. Constitution
This collection includes resources that support teaching the fundamentals of the U.S. Constitution (USA PBS 2014-20).
Harvard Map Collection: Digital Maps
Aus der Sammlung der US-Universität (2010).
The Sid Lapidus '59 Collection
Books, pamphlets, and prints related to the intellectual origins of the American Revolution (Princeton University Library 2012-20)