Century - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Century - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

From 19th-Century Factories to 21st-Century Sweatshops
This lesson follows the idea: Teaching about current-day sweatshops to make the topic of work conditions during the Industrial Revolution more relevant for students (New York Times 2011-21).
City of the century
Chicago: City of the Century offers insights into topics in American history including the settling of the prairies; contact between fur traders, speculators, and Native Americans;
Privacy in the 21st Century
Unterrichtseinheiten zum Problemkreis ”Big Brother” (Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute, USA 2000-2013)
Ugly History: Witch Hunts
The 5 minutes video uncovers the history of the witch hunts that swept through Europe and the American colonies from the 15th century until the 18th century (TED Ed 2019).
Images of Immigration
Students will evaluate how 19th-century images of immigrants reflected political and social attitudes toward them in the United States (North Carolina Museum of Art 2017).
Economics U$A: 21st Century Edition
A video instructional series on micro- and macroeconomics for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 28 half-hour video programs; 28 audio programs; and website (USA: Annenberg 2020).
Engineering Solutions to 21st Century Environmental Problems
The units’ topics are diverse, but all follow an environmental theme and contain the engineering principles of design and problem solving (Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute 2019).
GHDI: From Vormärz to Prussian Dominance (1815-1866)
4 maps for the 19th century (USA: GHDI 2023)