Calculator - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Inflation Calculator
Die Inflationsrate der Vergangenheit kann man hier für Dollar und Euro ermitteln (USA 2018).
Carbon Footprint Calculator
Interactive tool from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 2016)
Living Wage Calculator
This Living Wage calculator helps estimate the cost of living in a community or region (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014-20).
Creative Chemistry
The site collects hundreds of worksheets, teaching notes, and interactive quizzes for educators to use as they see fit. The site is maintained by Nigel Saunders, who has a biochemistry doctorate from the University of York, and includes twenty different thematic areas, including Balancing Equations, Concentration Game, The Slide Puzzle, and Chemistry Calculator (U.K. ...
How Long Is Your Life?
Students will: 1. Given an online life expectancy calculator and a work life expectancy table, students will determine how long they will be in retirement. 2. Describe general patterns of income and major expenditures over one’s lifetime. 3. Predict whether the value of a retirement portfolio will increase or decrease based on changes in savings rate and length of savings ...
How Long Is Your Life?
Students will: 1. Given an online life expectancy calculator and a work life expectancy table, students will determine how long they will be in retirement. 2. Describe general patterns of income and major expenditures over one's lifetime. 3. Predict whether the value of a retirement portfolio will increase or decrease based on changes in savings rate and length of savings ...