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Happy Planet Index
The HPI, calculated by the New Economics Foundation (NEF), ranks nations by combining measures of their ecological footprint with the happiness of their citizens. See also the World Database of Happiness, compiled by a Dutch sociologist on the basis of answers to surveys by Gallup and others (2010).
- Bildungsmediathek NRW (4900)
- MELT (2143)
- Deutscher Bildungsserver (1474)
- Bildungsserver Hessen (837)
- IZ Professionalisierung der Elementarpädagogik (576)
- Lehrer-Online (454)
- Bildungsserver Rheinland-Pfalz (245)
- Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (100)
- Elixier Community (46)
- Select Hessen (29)
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