Budget - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

The EU Budget
The European Commission informs how the EU budget works (2020).
Policy Perspectives on the Federal Budget
In this interactive activity, students think critically about Federal Budget policy choices from the perspectives of varied personas (USA: EconEd 2020). 
How to create a balanced budget — it’s a ‘Balancing Act’
In this lesson students will have the power to re-prioritize how money is spent using an interactive tool (USA: PBS 2018).
Federal Budget: The Fiscal Ship Game
Students analyze the economic and political impact of different fiscal policy strategies, they spply their selected fiscal policy goals, and they understand the implications of their policy choices on the national debt (USA: Econ Ed 2019).
The EU Budget
Erklärvideo von EURACTIV (pan-European media network specialised in EU policies, 2020).
EU budget behind the figures
This video explains some key aspects of the Commission's proposal of 2018 for the EU long-term budget (2020).
A Penny Saved is a Penny at 4.7% Earned
UE zu den Lernzielen: Interest, Opportunity cost, Budget planning (EconEd 1999-2009) 
Ein Budget planen
Vermittelt werden die Grundlagen der Budgetplanung. (iconomix, gefördert durch die Schweizerische Nationalbank 2015-18)
La participation citoyenne à Paris
Bürgerbeteiligung in Paris