Avian - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Avian - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Avian Influenza Maps
In Perry Castañeda's Kartensammlung finden sich aus verschiedenen Quellen stammende Karten - z.B. die der WHO zur Ausbreitung der Vogelgrippe.
Economics of Disasters
This set of lessons looks at a variety of natural disasters - from the Black Death of the Middle Ages to Hurricane Katrina in our too-recent memory, to fears of avian flu pandemics that haunt the future - through the lens of economic analysis (Foundation for Teaching Economics, USA 2009)
Economics of Disasters
This set of lessons looks at a variety of natural disasters - from the Black Death of the Middle Ages to Hurricane Katrina in our too-recent memory, to fears of avian flu pandemics that haunt the future - through the lens of economic analysis (Foundation for Teaching Economics, USA 2009-20).